Outcome Goals for this Academic School Year

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At-a-Glance

  • 2023-2024

  • Canterbury Woods Elementary School

  • Region 5

  • Leslie Malkowski, Principal


Students reading on grade level by the end of 3rd Grade




Measurable Outcome

By June 2024, the percentage of students meeting the Spring Reading Screener will increase by 10% or more.

Strategy 1


Expand access to evidence-based tier 1 instruction as well as intervention for students demonstrating risk in a multi-tiered system of supports. (HLP 1-5)


Action 1

Plan and implement interactive read-alouds of complex texts that include activities before, during, and after reading that are intentionally focused on oral language and vocabulary development.

Action 2

Utilize Lexia Core5/Power Up to provide access to structured literacy to all students.

Action 3

Embed language arts into morning meetings by intentionally including opportunities to build oral language skills, including phonemic awareness.

Strategy 2


Increase impact of tier 2 interventions for students demonstrating risk by using FCPS-recommended programs and practices with fidelity (e.g., Lexia, UFLI). (HLP 5)

Action 1

Utilize Lexia Core5/Power Up and recommended Lexia Lessons with direct teacher support to provide Tier 2 intervention.

Action 2

Provide small group instruction using Phonics First or IMSE

Action 3

Plan for skills-based groupings using a small group lesson planning to provide explicit, systematic tier 2 intervention.

Strategy 3


Strengthen systematic and explicit writing instruction and provide opportunities to write throughout the day. (HLP 4)

Action 1

Include weekly opportunities for students to talk and write in response to the reading/listening to complex texts.

Action 2

Utilize sentence reducing and sentence combining as a scaffold for English Learners developing syntax.

Action 3

Incorporate instructional practices to provide opportunities for extended (talk moves) talk about reading and writing.

Growth and performance on state/national/international assessments in math.  Successful completion of Algebra 1 by 8th Grade (leading indicators)


Measurable Outcome

By the end of SY 23-24, the percentage of students meeting their growth target (typical/stretch) on iReady/EMAS/VGA, will increase by 6%..

Strategy 1


Increase teacher’s implementation strategies related to Shift 8: from looking for correct answers towards revealing student thinking.



Action 1

Professional development around the FCPS Mathematical Framework.

Action 2

Teams selecting a mathematical focus based on a school-developed collection of mathematical instructional considerations.

Action 3

Professional development to support the team-selected focus through CLTs.

Strategy 2

Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction.



Action 1

Team Leads will facilitate biweekly CLTs around the Team's selected focus, and utilize student work to anchor team discussions around stratgies.

Action 2

Classroom observations that reflect the Team-Selected look-for focus, targeted feedback thorugh the use of a walkthrough tool.

Action 3


Strategy 3

Increase teachers implementation strategies related to Shift 4: from show and tell to share and compare.



Action 1

Actively participating in biweekly CLTs with a focus on increasing student engagement in mathematics within the Team's selected Look For.

Action 2

Implement activities that allow students to share and compare to see multiple solutions and multiple pathways, leveraging activities in Ready,Set, Math.

Action 3

Teams will actively reflect on the implementation of Shift 4 through math CLTs utilizing student work to share and compare.

Positive School Climate: Safe, Supported, Included and Empowered

Measurable Outcome

By of the end of the 2023-2024 school year, CWES will demonstrate at least a 4% increase from Fall 2023 baseline data in the area of Social Awareness as measured on the SEL Screener. .

Strategy 1

Strengthen adults' knowledge regarding the connection between Tier 1 wellness practices, mental health, behavior, substance abuse, and trauma, and related instructional practices and referral processes appropriate to their role (Professional Development).

Action 1

Staff participate in required professional learning including Wellness Updates and Foundations of SEL & High Leverage Tier 1 Practices MyPDE course.

Action 2

School leaders and/or MTSS Tier 1 teams provide guided opportunities to unpack school and classroom level wellness data to inform Tier 1 instructional practices.

Action 3

Staff participate in recommended mental health and SEL professional learning (e.g., SEL Screener modules)..

Strategy 2

Provide evidence-based, Tier 2 and Tier 3 behavior/wellness interventions and referrals to community partners for students with demonstrated needs (MTSS).

Action 1

Provide evidence-based, Tier 2 and Tier 3 behavior/wellness interventions and referrals to community partners for students with demonstrated needs (MTSS).

Action 2

School professionals implement data-driven, evidence-based groups and individual interventions for students with identified needs.

Action 3

Weekly MTSS meetings and Monthly Mental Health team meetings to monitor on-going needs

Strategy 3

Improve implementation fidelity of Tier 1 explicit skills instruction and application opportunities related to SEL and mental health protective factors (Instructional Practice: Explicit Instruction).

Action 1

School leaders include time for required practices on the master schedule (MM & CC- ES, or RAM- MS/HS) and/or set expectations for their inclusion in lesson plans (3 Signature Practices- All).

Action 2

MTSS Tier 1 Behavior/Wellness teams and/or teacher teams unpack data alongside SEL and academic standards to determine student strengths and needs, and identify upcoming content. Teams identify and align content for required practices to these factors.

Action 3

School leaders and MTSS Tier 1 Behavior/Wellness teams provide structures for consultation that enhance learning and solution seeking (e.g., peer learning, learning walks, shadowing).