Turkey Trot Fun Run Fundraiser

Friday, Nov. 22 (Rain Date Nov. 25)

Join us as we run/walk/skip/jog laps together to support CWES! The SCA is sponsoring this event to raise funds for the purchase and installation of water bottle filling stations, to be used by staff and students alike. We will install up to three stations as funds allow; remaining funds will be used to improve CWES’s outdoor classroom. 

Throughout the year, the CWES Environmental club will promote the use of refillable water bottles and raise awareness about the positive impact students and staff can have on the environment. 

Get fit and have fun while helping CWES and the environment!

Note this event is optional and will take place on the back field during your child’s regularly scheduled recess time. 

How It Works

  • Students will be shown a video overview to kick off the event and will get pledge envelopes in Take Home Tuesday folders November 12th.
  • From November 12 - 22, students solicit pledges – students can ask for a pledge per lap or a flat donation.
  • On the day of the event, each student’s number of laps will be recorded and sent home so families can calculate per-lap donations.
  • From November 22 – December 10, students collect funds for pledges and place funds in pledge envelopes. Please return envelope with ALL funds inside.
  • Pledge envelopes with funds are due December 10! Cash or checks (payable to Canterbury Woods Elementary School) accepted.

Prizes awarded based on funds submitted by Tuesday, December 10!


Schedule for Turkey Trot Fun Run

6th: 10:10 - 10:30

1st: 11:40 - 12:00

3rd: 12:00 - 12:20 - ***Note is now 3rd grade due to rescheduled date ***

K: 12:20 - 12:40

2nd: 1:00 - 1:20

4th: 2:35 - 2:55

5th : 3:30 - 3:50   ***Note is now 5th grade due to rescheduled date ***

NOTE: If event occurs on rain date November 25, fifth grade time will be scheduled for after field trip that day.


Based on total funds submitted by December 10, not based on pledged amounts:

 Grade level Prize

The grade that raises the most funds gets an extra recess!

Classroom Prize

The classroom that raises the most funds gets an extra recess and a special spirit day (class-selected theme) on December 19.

Individual Prizes

The top student in each grade who raises the most funds gets a lunch bunch with Dr. L (to which they can invite 4 friends) and a premium “cWEs CAN” water bottle!

All students who participate (with or without pledges) will receive a participation ribbon. 

Volunteers Needed

We would love your help to make this event a success! Volunteers are needed to help track the number of laps our students make. If you are able to help for one or more of the grade level "Turkey Trots" please scan this QR code or visit this link to sign up:
