Take Home Tuesday
February 24, 2020
School Health Services Survey
The Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) employs school health aides and public health nurses who provide school health services to the students in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). To determine the quality of these services, a survey has been developed by the FCHD to be shared with all parents or guardians and school staff members who interact with the school health rooms.
Electronic versions of the survey forms may be accessed at:
School Health Services Survey – Parents 2020
School Health Services Survey-Parents 2020 (Spanish)
The survey will take less than five minutes to complete and will provide the FCHD with valuable information. Your participation in this important endeavor is appreciated.
PTA News
Check out the latest news from our PTA!
February 18, 2020
Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Week!
This week is Random Acts of Kindness week and students have been challenged to complete as many acts of kindness as they can, both at home and at school! Checklists are attached for K-2 and 3-6 students so that you can encourage your student(s) at home. The class that completes the most average acts of kindness per student will win a fun lunch bunch with Mrs. Wilson!
Entering Kindergarten in September 2020?
Will your child turn five years old by September 30? If so, please contact Mrs. Decatur ([email protected]), CWES registrar, at (703)764-5602 for specific enrollment information and to schedule a registration appointment.
All kindergarten programs are full-day and located in FCPS elementary schools.
February 11, 2020
RunFit Kidz
The Canterbury Woods PTA is proud to bring back RunFit Kidz this spring for 2nd - 6th graders. The program will run on Wednesdays afterschool from mid-March through May. Click here for more information and to register.
February 4, 2020
The CWES Spring Family Portrait Fundraiser starts in early March and ends in May! Book your photo sessions today and support the PTA.
Photos will be taken in the parkland near CWES or where you and the photographer prefer. You may sign up by contacting Adria directly at [email protected]
SCA Sponsored Valentine's Day Basket
These baskets will be special gifts from us to our community!! All items are donations, nothing will be purchased by classroom funds collected at the beginning of the year. Please bring in all donations by Monday February 10th
Frost PTA Meeting (For 6th Grade Parents)
9:30am at Frost Middle School, 4101 Pickett Road in Fairfax. Wednesday February 19th
Meet Mrs. Deborah Metzger, Coordinator of Frost's After School Activities. Mrs. Metzger will share with parents details on the program including its current offerings, hours of operation, how clubs are identified, and the rules for participating in the program. Questions? Contact LaTisha Elcock, Frost PTA President, at @email
See January 2020 Take Home Tuesday information here