Reading Strategies

How to motivate your child to read

● Set up a reading routine

● Incentives - read so many books and get ______

● Listen to read aloud online and draw pictures to go with it

● Use what motivates them - physical books, app, youtube read aloud (anything counts)

● Read the book and watch the movie

● Family or friend book club

● Read in a fun place - fort, tent, bathtub, etc.

● Make reading a novel experience

● Pair something fun with reading (special food, place, etc.)

● Ask your child what motivates him or her

General Tips

● Read to your child no matter their age

● Set aside time for reading

● Talk about books

● Model being a reader

● Make it fun

● Let your child read some books that are easy

● Let your child read some books that are hard if they are really motivated by the topic


Conversation is key! 

Conversation starters

Useful resources available to download and print: